I have a 1 question...just WHAT IN THE FUCK does ol' Vlad HAVE ON 
the Donald. Must be a doozy to cause all this amnesia and lying and obfuscation and shades of Watergate bullshit. Just how broke was Donald when he went to Russia and met with the Alagarov's etc. We know he was desperate but HOW desperate? Enough to sell his soul?

Donald J Trump has ALWAYS been notorious for being a Narcissist and a pathological liar but he seems now to be infecting and affecting everyone around him. His staff, his communications people, his children, his son-in-law (although he may just be his own worst enemy and a chip off HIS old block), his cabinet, his vice-president, his attorney-general...seems the only one who doesn't seem to be a liar is Melania but we almost never hear from her. Maybe that is telling in and of itself. Melania and Barron might as well be on another planet.

If Jared Kushner has such a bad memory that he can't remember a meeting like the one with the Russian attorney twenty minutes later MAYBE he just isn't capable of being effectively the #2 in the government. Kinda scary stuff and no I don't doubt for one minute he remembered all right, just not until FORCED to like Donald Jr not releasing those emails UNTIL RIGHT BEFORE the New York Times told him they were going to publish them.

These people, all of them, are LIARS. Donald has always been a professional-grade prevaricator but well birds of a feather I guess. What troubles me is that it was well known that Trump at least had a lot of trouble with truth-telling AND YET people STILL VOTED for him. They knew he was a liar and yet they voted for him. Women knew he was a sleaze ball and a woman-abuser user and yet they voted for him. A racist and yet some blacks voted for him and ALL of his supporters put party or their own greed over the best interests of the country. In a very real way, I blame the Trump base almost more than him for what is happening. They voted him into office against what should have been their own instincts. They chose their own whiny greed over this country, and why is THAT NOT TREASON? Or at least a distinct absence of right good sense. They SO wanted to see 26 million people (and themselves) tossed off healthcare that seemingly nothing else mattered. Whoooo. Well, Republicans have never made much of a secret of their heartlessness. Paul Ryan proves it. So does Mitch McConnell. Both of them make me CRINGE.

Way to go Republicans. Way to go Trump voters.
Trump, Trump children, Kushner, Pence, Flynn, Mnuchin, Sessions, and on and on. ALL LIARS...and we have them running the government of The United States. Good grief.

Yes we have had some doozy Politicians/Presidents in the past. Does the name Nixon ring a bell? Then there is Harding, Coolidge, and of course G.W. Bush. BUT...NEVER IN AMERICAN HISTORY have we had an American President consorting with the President of an adversarial authoritarian foreign government like a brazen whore. Cavorting with him verbally as if it was a Bromance and wedding bells can be heard ringing in the background. This is like Roosevelt lying in bed with Hitler, damp and satiated. Kinda makes me nauseous. Should make EVERYONE nauseous and worse. NERVOUS.

Like having a bedbug caught in your pubic whore/hair.
He makes Lucretia Borgia seem like a girl scout by comparison.

Not even Nixon stooped this low when it comes to countries like Russia and North Korea. I keep hearing idiots (and worse) trying to soft-pedal what Russia did last year in our election process and what they are continuing to do and will do in 2018 if not stopped. Apologizing for Trump. DEFENDING TRUMP. What I want to know is why is not what he and his campaign obviously did not treason? Or at least serious treachery and a clear assault on national security? Trying to subvert an American election for personal gain? What Trump et al did is beyond despicable. It was and remains a blatant attempt to deal a serious blow to American democracy, a clear goal of the Russian Government. To undermine the very foundation of our country. Why is this NOT TREASON? HOW CAN ANYONE DEFEND THAT? I sure as hell can't and anyone in my opinion who does is as guilty as he is.

Trump is dangerous and worse. He is a traitor because of his greed and arrogance and ignorance and his narcissism and blatant disregard for anyone or anything but himself, and oh yes his incompetence. He is dangerous  because he obviously cannot differentiate between truth and lies. He seems to revere the latter, and often even needlessly forsakes the former. His actions (even just those we know about so far) belie his true motivations. He has no moral compass. This is almost beyond belief. Most of even the worst of us at least KNOW between right and wrong even if they choose the latter and not the former, but Trump doesn't seem to. No core principles nor values nor as I said a moral compass and that is PAINFULLY obvious. Cumulatively this is NOT a pretty picture...suitable for framing and hanging over the couch. Frankly, The Donald needs to be in jail for his high crimes and Miss De Meanness along with his crooked as a box of pretzels family and the orbit around him. David Letterman got it right when he said the other night that we need to stop focusing so much on Russia and START focusing on how to get this asshole out of office. Right on David...while we still HAVE A COUNTRY TO DEFEND.

Other than all that Trump is jest sech a tweetie. LOL. Yeh right.

I just hope that by the time we wave goodbye to the patrol car taking him away to his golf course in jail that we still have at least the silverware left. But I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Course, by that time the farm will be in foreclosure and we will be bankrupt just like he has been so many times, and...




Commentary by Dylan S Le Maire
COPYRIGHT © Le Maire News Syndicate
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