After all, Putin could be our Godfather and Russia our motherland. God knows that is what HE wants.

So how about having checkpoints every few miles even between our house and town and how about LONG LONG lines out the door and down the block NOT to see the latest blockbuster movie BUT JUST TO BUY BREAD and milk and basics EVEN IF there is any left once you get to the head of the line. THAT is what Russians had to deal with not that long ago. Russians and everyone in the Soviet Union. Yes things are better but the Russian economy is STILL far from ours. In other words a MESS. NO Wal-Mart, NO Meijer or Home Depot or Walgreens and nothing but an endless string of days looking forward without causing much joy or hope for the future UNLIKE what we have HERE...ALREADY. Answer this. If America is SO bad, why is most of the rest of the world DESPERATE to come here? For the landfills and dumpsters? Uh, no.

We have been conned into believing our plight in America is OH SO BAD, but in truth...compared to what? Somalia? Pakistan? Moldavia? Ethiopia? Russia? Ukraine? Azerbaijan? Do you not EVER look at the rest of the world and see that pretty much WE ARE the shining city/country on the hill? NO!

They want to come here for the opportunities and for the quality of life so FREELY available to pretty much anyone who wants to take advantage of it all. Life is SO MUCH better here and the possibilities are so much more likely than where these people are now. Primarily, they can't even begin to aspire and to dream for and about all the things WE take SO for granted.

How much worse off do you think you really are compared to Chad and Nigeria and Sudan and Cuba. HUH? WHY ARE SO MANY AMERICANS SO BLIND?

Because for 50 years they have been conned and lied to by the elites who want to grab more and deprive others even more (Never give a sucker an even break as the old saying goes) and by crooked politicians and by the likes of Fucks Noise all of whom profit mightily on mis-information, fake news, alternative facts and outright conning people. They have drummed their lies and distortions into so many beady little vulnerable unsophisticated brains with ease I might add, and they are evildoers with NO conscience and NO heart. The one thing they DO have is a willing audience with huge ears and a TON of money to throw around to get what they want. They spend that money on commercials and ads full of hate and lies and distortions and on marketing and biased focus groups (depends on HOW you ask the questions as much as WHAT you ask) and one of their prime objectives (as well as Russia's) is to divide us because IN DIVISION conquering to exert absolute control and manipulation is far easier. Keep us pitted against each other and we won't notice they are stealing the furniture out from underneath us. Long as they don't drop the crystal.


Do you trust your neighbor like you always did or do you now believe you have to live in fear for fear he/she may knife you while you sleep or kill your pets or your in-laws OR cut in line ahead of you at the supermarket checkout. A capital offense I have been told. They could, Hell sure they could...IF you live next to Jeffrey Dahmer or a nest of Zombies...but who told you that bullshit. HUH? Yeh, they MIGHT just steal your babies. (My mother would have offered to carry me to their car, but...).

Who has planted the seeds of distrust that we see and live with all around us every day now and why did you listen? How is it that you became so displeased with your life that the nonsense that Fox Noise puts out began to sound reasonable and plausible. Your brain should have told you different, but evidently it didn't. WHY? How did it come to pass that you made the choice to start living in real or imagined depression and hopelessness instead of gratitude for all you have and for BEING AN AMERICAN. Not everyone is you know and how ALSO did it come to be your belief that ALL THE TROUBLES you are convinced you have are because everyone else around you is evil and out to get you and the government is evil and there is no justice and no one listens to you (you don't either btw), and MY GOD, how is it you have never gone hungry but choose to dine and feast on a buffet of hate and vile rhetoric and lies?

In perspective, I spend more for cable alone than many people in many countries around the globe MAKE IN A YEAR.

Wait..I what? LOL. Yeh, sad but true.

HOW DID YOU COME TO WANT TO BE A ROBOT IN DEBT TO THE RUSSIAN STATE? How did Trump? Maybe not yet but if you keep playing this dangerous game with old Trump, you WILL be. Why are you listening to the voices of darkness who are the same old tired voices of lies and authoritarianism and deceit and who are even now still determined to undermine our very democracy for nefarious purposes. They are NOT our friend, deluded though they may be.


What is happening to our beloved country and our core ideals and our principles and values that we have carried in our lives and hearts for over 230 years. What has happened to our American Patriotism and our ability to believe that we can overcome ANYTHING...AS LONG AS we stick together and protect and help each other. What has happened in our American pride in our life, our brethren, our institutions, our very democracy, AND our belief that we have the ability to KEEP ON KEEPING ON. Our ability to OVERCOME, as Dr Martin Luther King Jr put it. WHAT has happened to our ability AND our DESIRE to DREAM? TO DREAM AND ACHIEVE? AND TO TAKE COMFORT that no matter what, AMERICA IS FABULOUS. ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS.

What has happened to those narratives that have so deeply contributed to our ability to endure? The inspiration and aspiration and perspiration of Dr King and the Kennedy's John and his brother Bobby, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt and Maya Angelou and the voices of tremendous insight into the human condition and our place in it?

WHO is OUR Kennedy and King and John Lennon and Angelou today? WHERE ARE THESE GREAT ONES?



Can we no longer respect each other and ourselves and our differences and if not why not? How have we changed as a people...and why?

WTF has happened to America?

Oh yeh. The likes of the Koch Brothers and Vladimir Putin and Fox noise and Newt Gingrich and their ilk have conspired to rob us of ourselves and our values and made us afraid to try, or attempted to and while not all many have succumbed. Robbing us of a significant percentage of what we embodied to make us the greatest country and people on earth. EVER.

I think it is HIGH TIME WE REMEMBERED JUST WHO IN HELL WE ARE and get back to ourselves. DON'T YOU? SPREAD THE WORD. We are a pretty diverse bunch and have done pretty well so far I think and can continue to as long as we stop listening to the voices of doom wherever they come from. We have GOT to stop listening to those who would destroy us...WITH OUR HELP.

C'MON AMERICA! We are already great again. We have merely lost a bit of confidence in ourselves and our neighbors but we can overcome that.

I've heard it so many times. How in the hell did Donald Trump get to be President. He is the first President to be outside the norm for American Presidents. What? Like Obama wasn't? Like Clinton wouldn't have been? I don't recall Ford or Bush or Clinton being Black OR a woman. Did I miss something? Ok, Jefferson had a black mistress but that is not the same. She didn't rub off on him. Gave him a child yes, but she didn't turn him black.

We seem to have gone off the rails and keep seeking a divergence from our traditions. Why? It is precisely our traditions and values that have gotten us this far. Kept us on the path to greatness and guided our aims as they inspired our hearts and we haven't really done so badly so far. Maybe instead of about 40% of us whining constantly and OH WOE IS ME I AM SO DISENFRANCHISED all the time and NOBODY LISTENS TO ME (gee I wonder why) and all that po' fucktard bullshit, maybe we ought to just start being a teeny taddy more grateful for what we have and what we are. Go back to CARING about this country and ALL OF US IN IT, and get on with being THE GREATEST PEOPLE ON EARTH INHABITING THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH...EVER, just as we are and NOT what a fraction of the people in this country have been deceived into thinking we ought to be. Greedy uncaring heartless out for only themselves bastards who have lost their own souls.

Maybe this is a natural progression of the grand experiment in this novel approach to governing, democracy. The greatest governmental laboratory in the history of the world. US, lab rats extraordinare. This is America as it is and as it always has been. We are not finished, merely evolving...but into what I wonder?

I would like to think that if someone and in this case Russia/Putin slapped us across the face a few times we might just wake up and realize that they and he are NOT our saviour any more than Hitler was. They/he are not the answer to ANY of our problems or our communal unrest/dis-ease. No Putin and Russia are NOT the solution.


                                 FOR PART II - CLICK HERE

Commentary by Dylan S Le Maire
COPYRIGHT © Le Maire News Syndicate
Sharing is permitted with credit to the author

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